Lash Tinting: Your Everything Guide to Luscious Eyelashes

Definition, character, and charm!

That may seem like a lot to demand from eyelashes. But let's be honest, that is why we work so hard on them. When done right, your lashes shout confidence. And maybe a lace of defiance.

However, no one enjoys the long minute in front of the mirror. And the strenuous mascara swipe.

Hence we celebrate eyelash tinting. 

Wondering how this modern trick can save you time without compromising your "eye look"? We have prepared a complete lash tinting guide for you.

What Is a Lash Tint?

Eye lash tint is a dye used to intensify your eyelashes. This will do for you what mascara does. But with lasting effects.

Think of it like coloring your eyelashes.

There are two types of dyes your aesthetician or stylist will use on you: a permanent dye or semi-permanent. The permanent dye is often cream based. While the semi-permanent is vegetable based.

The lash tinting process will give your lashes definition and make them look fuller.

If you have light-colored lashes, then the difference will be tremendous. But even if you were born with a darker shade of lashes, the tint will still give you luscious-looking lashes.

Lash Lift vs. Lash Tint

Though easy to confuse, a lash lift and tint are two separate beauty techniques. And they both differ from getting lash extensions. However, most experts argue that the two ought to go together. 

A lash lift is like a lash perm. With it, you give your lashes a natural-looking curl. 

There are no crazy chemicals or dyes that go into this beauty treatment that first came to light in 1905.

During a lash lift, your lashes are given a more definitive curl-up. This is often achieved through the use of some perming lotion and a rod or brush.

While a lash tint is more like coloring your eyelashes, here a dye is used to make your lashes look darker and fuller.

Lash Tinting: the Procedure

If you are in any way like us, then that means you are committed to your beauty routine. That may also mean that when it comes to your face, you prefer to keep the surprises to a minimum. So, we will tell you what actually happens when you get to the beauty bar. In the interest of reducing those surprises.

We will take it for granted that you have already gone through the pleasant meet and greet. 

Step 1: Cleaning the Lashes

Before your aesthetician gets started on the tinting, they will want to clean your lashes. This is to ensure that there is no makeup or sweat on your lashes.

Step 2: Placing the Cotton

The next step is to place a cotton pad on your lower eyelid. This step is to make the lower lash line more visible. And to keep the tint from reaching your skin.

Step 3: Applying the Tint 

Once the aesthetician has secured the lower lashes, it is time to start tinting. With a rod or a brush in hand, the beautician will apply the tint to your lashes. It starts from the eyelash line out.

You will have to keep your eyes open for this first part.

Step 4: Tint to the Upper Lashes

Time to shut your eyes. If you are simply getting a tint, you won't need another cotton pad. But if you were going for the complete lash lift and tint experience, you would need another pad.

With the same rod or brush, your artist will apply more tint onto your upper lashes. In the process, lay them onto the lower lashes. 

Step 5: The Big Wait

After the tint is applied to your lashes, you will have to wait for it to work, as we said, just like coloring your hair.

It may take between ten to 15 minutes for the tint to work. The duration will depend on the type of brand.

Step 6: Clearing the Excess Tint

After the time lapses, we will have to remove the excess tint. Nothing crazy goes into this process. Your beautician can use the same cotton pad to clean the tint.

To perfect the whole look, they may also use a cotton bud or swap.

Step 7: Style Your New Look

This is the most important step. When everything is done, and your lashes look luscious and fuller, it is important to style them right. The wrong trick can take away from the whole look.

We say long confident strides and a chin-up go best with your newly defined lashes. 

Should you want something extra to add to the definition, go for glitter. It always shines.

Lash Tint FAQs

If you are new to tinting, you may have some questions. We have some answers.

Is Lash Tint Safe?

Yes, it is. Especially when done by a professional. You can use a simple tint kit to DIY it at home. But we wouldn't advise it, because you are introducing dye to your eyes. 

How Long Does Lash Tint Last?

This will depend on several factors. Two of those are your color and the number of times you wash your face. On some people, a tint lasts for two weeks. While on some, it stretches to a month.

It may be best to use oil-free makeup removers to clean around your eyes. This will give your tint longevity.

Is Lash Tinting Painful?

Not at all. The treatment may feel uncomfortable though.

How Much Does an Eye Lash Tint Cost?

The treatment price will depend on the location of your beauty bar. But a good eye lash tint should cost nothing beyond $20-40. 

Aftercare Tips

Here are a few things to increase the longevity of your lash tint:

  • Keep your lashes dry
  • Don't use contact lenses for at least 24hrs after the tint
  • Stay away from intense UV lights
  • Try not to touch the lashes until they are dry
  • Try limiting your use of oil-based cleansers around your eyes

Getting Your Tint

Lash tinting is a simple and safe treatment for defined, bold, and luscious-looking lashes. It will eliminate the need for mascara every morning.

If you are ready to tint your lashes, Rouge Beauty Bar has a seat with your name on it.

Book your appointment now.